Wednesday 13 July 2011

Bastion event in 1977

The Bastion Point occupation is one of the most famous actions in New Zealand history, Although it was happened 30 years ago, the even is most clearly remembered in New Zealand history.

Bastion Point  located in central  east by the harbour, close to Auckland city centre. The most
expensive houses in New Zealand are just around Bastion Point.     
Bastion means strong hold.It was Maori people’s land since 1840. In 1977, the government announced the land at Bastion Point was to be developed for high-income housing, and parks. The Maori people were angry that they occuppied the land for 506 days. They set up tents, shelters  and planting their own vegetable even built meeting house. They  refused to move to protest and against the government .  Finally in 1978,seven hundred police and army evicted the protests, there were 218 people arrested but nobody died.The police and army also destroy the temporary buildings including vegetable gardens. In the end, Government compulsory took the land from Maori people.
In 1980s, New Zealand government formally apolgised and returned the land to  Ngati whatua.